Category: Fiction

  • The Eldritch Case Files: Revelations of the Dark Mother, Joseph Collinsworth: Part 2

    As I stood there gazing into the growing gloom trying to decipher just what it was I was seeing, a wave of dizziness overcame me. Staggering backward my leading foot caught on the edge of the low stone table and down I went like a sack of potatoes. The impact was soft, likely due to…

  • The Eldritch Case Files: Revelations of the Dark Mother, Joseph Collinsworth: Part 1

    The face of the creature was very goat-like in the dimness of the surrounding woods. A deep seeded hunger waged war within its pale blue eyes as it stared upon the inhabitants of the small campsite. Its split tongue ran slowly over sharp incisors, saliva dripped freely from its mouth. What delicious little morsels. That…

  • The Eldritch Case Files: Revelations of the Dark Mother, Joseph Collinsworth, Part 1

    The face of the creature was very goat-like in the dimness of the surrounding woods. A deep seeded hunger waged war within its pale blue eyes as it stared upon the inhabitants of the small campsite. Its split tongue ran slowly over sharp incisors, saliva dripped freely from its mouth. What delicious little morsels. That…

  • Eldritch Case Files: Revelations of the Dark Mother, Part 2

    Eldritch Case Files: Revelations of the Dark Mother, Part 2

    The rhythmatic typing of the keys lulled me into a false sense of security. Another case closed and only a measly seven hundred and fifty dollars in my pocket. That alone just barely covered expenses. The economy was shit right now. Problems in the Middle East, a new strain of COVID (and let’s face it,…

  • The Eldritch Case Files: Revelations of the Dark Mother, Part 1

    The Eldritch Case Files: Revelations of the Dark Mother, Part 1

    The moon was huge like a cold portrait, illuminating the forest trail. It twisted and turned, leading onward into the dense forest. Here upon the trail darkness prevailed, it crept along like a living thing, a dream given life, walking with earthen feet. The trail opened upon a clearing, given life by the glow of…

  • The Endless Summer

    The Endless Summer

    The sun had been bright all morning, but now it started to beat down with the savage intensity that you only get near the tropics. Maxine lay prone on her surfboard as the hot sun warmed her back, and relaxed into the gentle surge of the waves, allowing her arms and legs to trail languidly…